Jun 3, 2016

When it comes to regulatory compliance, prevention is key


Ask any attorney concentrating his/her practice in the health law field for a list of current trends in this area of law, and undoubtedly the issue of regulatory compliance will be of primary importance. In 2014 alone, the federal government recovered nearly $2.3 billion related to false claims made under the Medicare and Medicaid program, with a total recovery of $14.5 billion since January 2009. With so much alleged fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare payments, the government continues to aggressively investigate and enforce potential regulatory violations in all facets of the healthcare delivery system. From the solo practitioner physician to the large academic medical center, no one industry or single player is immune. 

So what are some common actions that all providers, regardless of service type and size, can take — both to ensure regulatory compliance and address concerns?

Read the full article from the left-hand side or visit HCCA's website.

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) / HCCA's Compliance Today
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