On March 23, 2013, a little over a month from now, nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) will be required to "have in operation a compliance and ethics program that is effective in preventing and detecting criminal, civil, and administrative violations under this Act." (Section 6102, Affordable Care Act) While this provision may come as a surprise to some, it shouldn't. The law was enacted three years ago and standards for effective compliance programs have been around for over a dozen years.
For the full text, printable version of this Alert, click here.
Please contact any of the following Roetzel attorneys for further information:
Anthony J. Calamunci
419.254.5247 | acalamunci@ralaw.com
Brian E. Dickerson
239.649.2702 | bdickerson@ralaw.com
Donald S. Scherzer
216.615.7418 | dscherzer@ralaw.com
Amanda Knapp
216.615.7416 | aknapp@ralaw.com
J. Spencer Clark
239.213.3868 | sclark@ralaw.com