Your search includes "Type: Alert"

Showing 561 - 580 of 908 results
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Sep 28, 2017 | CMS Expanding the "Targeted Probe and Educate" Audits Nationally this Fall
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) announced recently that it will be expanding its medical claims review program to cover the entire country by the end of this year. The expanded program, titled “Targeted Probe and Educate” or “T...
Alert | Florida Client Alert
Sep 27, 2017 | Hurricane Irma
These past weeks have brought tremendous challenges to many Floridians. Our thoughts are with all those impacted by Hurricane Irma.    Roetzel’s experienced team of attorneys and business professionals stand at the ready to assist our clients w...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Sep 26, 2017 | Ohio Medical Marijuana: Status of the New State Industry
Ohio legalized medical marijuana in the spring of 2016 and has since been developing the Medical Marijuana Control Program (MMCP) to regulate the cultivation, processing, and dispensing of medical marijuana throughout the state. The finalized rules a...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 15, 2017 | Changes to DACA and Employers
In line with the Trump administration’s enforcement of immigration laws, significant changes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) program were announced by the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) on September 5, 2017. This annou...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Sep 14, 2017 | Cities of Cleveland and Toledo Post Primary Election Results Setting the Slate for November 7 General Election
Cleveland The Mayoral and all 17 City Council seats are up for re-election this November. Tuesday’s Primary Election saw every incumbent move on to the General Election. Mayor Frank Jackson, running for an unprecedented fourth term, won the Pri...
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Sep 11, 2017 | Government Crackdown on Health Care Fraud and Opioid Prescription Abuse
Recent actions by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) evidence that prosecution of health care fraud and crackdowns on opioid abuse[1] remain high on the Government’s agenda. On July 13, 2017, the Government announced that 412 people, including d...
Alert | Community Association Law Alert
Sep 5, 2017 | Hurricane Preparedness: Last Minute Tips
With Hurricane Irma’s track still uncertain, Associations are in the process of executing their preparedness plans.  If you are worried that your preparedness plan is out-of date, here are some checklist items that you still have time to implement:...
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Sep 5, 2017 | Failing to Update Compliance Plans May be Costly
If you are a provider of healthcare services, you need a compliance plan. A compliance plan is a written document that details your practice’s policies, procedures, and operations. While many providers are aware of the importance of having an establi...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 5, 2017 | Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama-Era Overtime Rule
On Thursday, August 31, 2017, Judge Amos Mazzant struck down the Obama administration’s overtime rule that would have extended mandatory overtime pay to more than four million U.S. workers. Specifically, the rule would have doubled the threshold for...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 1, 2017 | EEO-1 Payroll Data Requirement Delayed....Again
In response to a letter from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) dated August 29, 2017, the EEOC said that it intends to “stay” the requirement that employers supply pay data when they file the EEO-1 for 2017. You may recall that this form, whi...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Aug 31, 2017 | Ohio Makes Significant Changes to Workers' Compensation Laws
Ohio Governor John Kasich recently signed House Bill 27 into law, starting the clock running on several significant changes to Ohio’s Workers’ Compensation statutes. The amendments are effective September 29, 2017. The changes most likely to be of im...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Aug 22, 2017 | STATE BUDGET UPDATE: Ohio Senate Votes to Override Six Gubernatorial Vetoes
On June 30, Governor John R. Kasich (R) signed the state’s $132.8 billion biennial operating budget into law, setting out the state’s spending plan for the next two years. Before signing the budget, the Governor vetoed 47 provisions including a propo...
Alert | Corporate, Tax & Transactional Alert
Aug 22, 2017 | Delaware Law Changes Method to Record Stockholders
Delaware is known for being a trailblazer in the area of corporate law. In keeping with tradition, Delaware is the first state to formally recognize the ability of a corporation to record stockholder transactions using distributed ledger or “blockcha...
Alert | Business and Commercial Litigation Alert
Aug 21, 2017 | Roetzel Secures Quick Win for Green Tech Firm
Lead by Roetzel’s Business Litigation Practice Group Manager Paul Giordano and Associate Brian Hoops, a Miami court this week agreed that California green tech firm could not be sued in Florida, even though it had several business affiliations in the...
Alert | Education Law Alert
Aug 21, 2017 | Student Expulsion Upheld for Off-Campus, Online Activity
On July 26, 2017, the 5th Appellate District Court of Appeals (Richland County) issued a decision in N.Z. vs Madison Local Board of Education that should be read by every school administrator involved in student discipline. In October of 2015, a b...
Alert | Tax Alert
Aug 18, 2017 | Florida Property Owners: The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes from Your County Property Appraiser-Beware of Deadline for Appeal
What to Do with the Notice Immediately open the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and examine its contents for accuracy. The Notice contains column headings which include: Taxing Authority Your Property Taxes Last Year Las...
Alert | Appellate Alert
Jul 14, 2017 | Roetzel Wins Two Significant Appellate Court Victories in $35 Million Federal Court Lawsuit and State Court Class Action
Roetzel’s Appellate Law group, led by Partner Stephen W. Funk, recently won two important appellate court victories in the federal and state courts.  On July 12, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a unanimous decisi...
Alert | Corporate, Tax & Transactional Alert
Jul 12, 2017 | You Get a Car! Everybody Gets a Car!
Lobbying from various organizations resulted in Ohio House Bill 432, known as the “omnibus probate bill.” This bill has made some significant changes in estate law. Specifically, upon the death of a spouse, Ohio Revised Code §2106.18 allows the survi...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Jul 6, 2017 | STATE BUDGET UPDATE: In a Historic Move, House Votes to Override 11 of the Governor's Vetoes from State Budget
The last time the Legislature voted to override multiple state budget vetoes was exactly forty (40) years ago to this day on July 6, 1977 under then Governor James Rhodes (R) and former longtime House Speaker Vern Riffe (D). However, just this mornin...
Alert | Health Law Alert
Jul 5, 2017 | Physicians Begin Receiving Licenses Under Licensure Compact
Recently, physicians became eligible to apply for out-of-state licensure pursuant to the Interstate Medical License Compact (Compact). The Compact is a voluntary agreement among eighteen states and twenty-three medical boards that allows a physician...