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Apr 15, 2021

Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot: Physician Burnout: The Next Pandemic?

Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot® is a podcast and YouTube channel for physicians and health professionals that covers the legal issues and trends that affect the health care industry. In this episode, Roetzel health law attorneys and HealthLaw HotSpot co-hosts Ericka Adler and David Hochman are joined by George Mayzell, MD, MBA, President of Empowered Healthcare, to discuss physician burnout. In considering why organizations should focus on the rising burnout rates, the panel looks the symptoms and the effects of physician burnout on providers themselves, the organizations they work for, healthcare delivery, and patient safety. Further, the team analyzes the importance of organizations acknowledging, measuring and talking about burnout, in order to put themselves in the best position to begin addressing the problem.

To listen, download the episode on Apple Podcasts, or click here. To watch the episode on YouTube, click the link below:

Watch Physician Burnout: The Next Pandemic?