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Jul 27, 2023

Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot: Physician Partnership Agreements: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot® is a podcast and YouTube channel for physicians and health professionals that covers the legal issues and trends that affect the health care industry.

This week on HealthLaw HotSpot, host Ericka Adler is joined by fellow Roetzel healthcare attorney Christina Kuta, for a unique discussion on physician relationships within partnerships and practices. Ericka and Christina talk through what can happen when partnerships encounter disputes, how to work through difficult partnerships, and how to plan for disagreements before they arise. They also provide insight on what to do if issues cannot be resolved and the importance of thinking through a partnership before entering into an agreement.

To listen, download the episode on Apple Podcasts or click here. To watch the episode on YouTube, click the link below:

Watch Physician Partnership Agreements: Setting Yourself Up for Success