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Dec 29, 2021

COVID-19 Update: The CDC Issues New Isolation Guidance

On December 27, 2021, the CDC shortened its recommended isolation and quarantine periods for those infected with, or exposed to, COVID-19. Because the CDC’s Isolation Guidance is incorporated by reference into OSHA’s vaccination or test rule, larger employers should revise their policies to reflect these new guidelines in advance of the January 10th deadline for compliance. Here is a summary of the new isolation/quarantine periods:  

Employees Who Have Tested Positive and are Asymptomatic

  • Isolate at home for five days.
  • Mask for five days after isolation period.

Employees Who Have Tested Positive and Have Symptoms

  • Isolate at home for five days and, if symptoms resolve during that time, the employee can leave isolation.
  • If the employee has a fever, the employee must remain isolated until the fever resolves.
  • Mask for five days after isolation period.

Employees Who Are Exposed to COVID-19 and Have Received Booster

  • No required isolation or quarantine.
  • Wear mask for 10 days.
  • Best practice: Test, if possible, five days after exposure.

Employees Who Are Exposed to COVID-19 and Completed Vaccination (Pfizer or Moderna) Within the Last Six Months or Received J&J Vaccine Within the Last Two Months 

  • No required isolation or quarantine.
  • Wear mask for 10 days.
  • Best practice: Test, if possible, five days after exposure.

Employees Who Are Exposed To COVID-19 and Are Unvaccinated or Completed Vaccination (Pfizer or Moderna) More Than Six Months Ago or Received J&J Vaccine More Than Two Months Ago

  • Stay home for five days.
  • Mask for five days after quarantine
  • If employee cannot quarantine, mask for 10 days
  • Best practice: Test, if possible, five days after exposure.

Please reach out to your Roetzel attorney with any questions regarding the CDC’s new guidance or any other COVID-19 related employment issue.