Of Counsel
1375 East Ninth Street
One Cleveland Center, 10th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114
F: 216.623.0134
E: mjones@ralaw.com | vCard
Mark defends large academic medical centers, tertiary hospitals, community-based hospitals, specialty clinics, and individual physicians accused of negligence in complex, high-exposure medical malpractice lawsuits. He has tried more than 100 jury trials in Ohio common pleas courts in 14 counties across the state. In addition, Mark has argued cases before the Ohio Supreme Court and the Ohio 8th, 9th, and 11th District Courts of Appeals.
The son of a physician, Mark has dedicated his career to helping doctors and medical providers navigate the unfamiliar and high-risk landscape of medical malpractice litigation. Clients appreciate Mark’s deep and rich understanding of medicine and the industry. They know he is ready to take virtually every case to trial to protect their interests and reputations. And they count on his frank assessments of risk and potential exposure to set strategy, determine realistic objectives, and make thoughtful decisions about trying or settling every case.