Public Law & Finance

Lobbying – State & Federal

Federal Lobbying
Roetzel’s federal lobbying team specializes in meeting our clients’ advocacy and legal compliance needs in Washington, DC before Congress and the Executive Branch. We achieve results using our bipartisan relationships, knowledge of the law, and our team’s prior experience working in Congress and the Executive Branch. 

We use our knowledge and experience to deliver positive results and establish strong bonds for the future.

Roetzel lobbies on behalf of its clients on a variety of issues including, issues related to the Clean Water Act, affordable housing and municipal needs. Roetzel has an especially good working relationship with the Ohio Congressional delegation.

Roetzel is committed to the highest level of client service and will use our knowledge and experience to deliver positive results and establish strong bonds for the future.

State Legislative & Executive Lobbying
Representing clients before the Ohio General Assembly and the Executive Branch, the Roetzel Team provides political solutions to business issues. We work closely with our clients to understand both legislative and regulatory needs and to create a strategy for success.  We have advocated for our clients before state legislatures, administrative agencies, and the executive branches of state governments, including extensive experience before the Ohio General Assembly.  We do what it takes to reach our client’s objectives. 

Through strategic counsel on legislative initiatives, regulatory matters and political positioning, our immediate access to government officials, bureaucratic regulators and decision makers enables our clients to achieve their business objectives and public policy initiatives.