Showing 661 - 680 of 1777 results
Alert | Corporate, Tax & Transactional Alert
Corporate, Tax & Transactional COVID-19 Alerts
Ohio Controlling Board Approves $420 Million in COVID-19 Relief Funding On October 26, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced the Ohio Controlling Board has approved a Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act package of nearly $...
Alert | Community Association Law Alert
Community Association Law COVID-19 Alerts
Florida Governor Extends Mortgage Foreclosure and Eviction Relief until Oct. 1 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued a new executive order that extends mortgage foreclosures and eviction relief until October 1. Executive Order 20-211 does not make an...
Alert | Business and Commercial Litigation Alert
Business and Commercial Litigation COVID-19 Alerts
Supreme Court of Ohio Tolls Litigation Deadlines and Timelines The Supreme Court of Ohio issued an order effectuating and expanding upon the emergency legislation Governor DeWine signed into law on March 27, 2020 in response to COVID-19, which tolle...
Alert | Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Alert
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy COVID-19 Alerts
Cyber Hygiene - Best Practices While Working Remotely As companies transition to employees working from home during the current COVID-19 related disruptions, cyber criminals look at these changes as huge opportunities. In the last week alone, there...
Alert | Education Law Alert
Education COVID-19 Alerts
Civil Immunity for Schools, Businesses, and Healthcare Providers Related to Coronavirus Ohio House Bill 606 (“HB 606”) provides civil immunity to schools, businesses, and healthcare providers that unknowingly spread coronavirus. HB 606 specifies tha...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Employment COVID-19 Alerts
DOL Updates FFCRA Regulations, Effective 9/16/2020, in Response to Federal Court Decision In early August, a New York federal court struck down a number of Department of Labor (DOL) regulations applying the new Families First Coronavirus Response Ac...
Alert | Estate Planning Alert
Estate Planning COVID-19 Alerts
Individuals No Longer Have to Take Minimum Required Distributions from Retirement Accounts in 2020 The CARES Act, the $2 trillion coronavirus-relief bill passed by Congress includes provisions that make it easier for people to access their retiremen...
Alert | Health Law Alert
Health Law COVID-19 Alerts
HHS’ FAQs Address Restrictions on the Transfer of Provider Relief Fund Payments in Healthcare Transactions Purchasers and sellers of healthcare entities that received or intend to apply for Provider Relief Fund payments need to be aware of the restr...
Alert | Construction Industry Alert
Construction Law COVID-19 Alerts
Handling COVID-19 Issues on Construction Project Sites in Ohio Governor DeWine continues to permit work on construction projects in Ohio to proceed. In proceeding, contractors must take precautions to protect its workers and limit the possible expos...
Alert | Insurance Alert
Insurance COVID-19 Alerts
If Passed, House Bill 589 Requires Insurers Offering Business Interruption Insurance to Cover Losses Due to COVID-19 Earlier this week, the Ohio legislation introduced H.B. No. 589 to require insurers offering business interruption insurance to cove...
Alert | Real Estate Alert
Real Estate COVID-19 Alerts
Possible Leniency for Commercial Tenants and Real Estate Borrowers in Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued Executive Order 2020-08D directed at two commercial real estate constituencies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Alert | Intellectual Property Alert
Intellectual Property COVID-19 Alerts
Following CARES Act, USPTO and Copyright Office Directors Extend Certain IP Filing Deadlines Both the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and the U.S. Copyright Office have now announced that certain intellectual property filing deadlines and...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Public Law COVID-19 Alerts
Civil Immunity for Schools, Businesses, and Healthcare Providers Related to Coronavirus Ohio House Bill 606 (“HB 606”) provides civil immunity to schools, businesses, and healthcare providers that unknowingly spread coronavirus. HB 606 specifies tha...
Alert | Transportation Alert
Transportation Law COVID-19 Alerts
CDL Renewal: All But Five Ohio BMV Locations Will Close On Wednesday afternoon, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a number of additional closures of Ohio businesses including the closure of all but five of the 181 Bureau of Motor Vehicles Deputy R...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Mar 12, 2020 | Ohio Governor Announces Additional Steps to Halt the Spread of COVID-19
Governor Mike DeWine, in conjunction with Director of Health, Dr. Amy Acton, has announced additional steps they are taking to halt the spread of COVID-19.  These steps include an order, issued by Dr. Acton, that bans all public gatherings that excee...
Mar 11, 2020 | Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot: HIPAA Privacy and the Novel Coronavirus
Roetzel HealthLaw HotSpot™ is a podcast for physicians and health professionals that covers the legal issues and trends that affect the health care industry. In Episode 6, John Waters discusses an HHS Bulletin on HIPAA and the novel coronavirus. T...
Alert | Health Law Alert
Mar 10, 2020 | Malpractice Insurance – Contractual Indemnity and Tail Coverage
Contractual Indemnity While a malpractice insurance policy maintained by a healthcare provider typically provides broad coverage, it does not cover all liabilities arising out of the provider’s professional practice. Malpractice policies typically i...
Alert | Education Law Alert
Mar 10, 2020 | Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Preparedness Guidance for Schools
On March 5, 2020, the Northshore School District in the State of Washington announced that all of its schools were closing for up to 14 days due to the presence of COVID-19 in their community.  On March 9, 2020, three individuals in Cuyahoga County t...
Alert | Real Estate Alert
Mar 5, 2020 | Ohio Eminent Domain: Appellate Court Gives Condemning Authorities Green Light to Appraisal Shop in order to “Low Ball” Pre-Suit Offer
Ohio courts have long held that a condemning authority fails to satisfy the good faith offer requirement if the offer is not based on an appraisal. See Media One v. Manor Park Apts Ltd., 11th Dist. Lake No. 2000-L-045, 2000 WL 1566525; The City of Wi...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Mar 5, 2020 | Four Things All Employers Should Do to Prepare for the Coronavirus
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread across 16 states in the U.S. with at least 150 confirmed cases and eleven deaths. The spreading epidemic is a wake-up call for employers to review their current policies and procedures in place to protect employe...