Showing 1581 - 1600 of 1777 results
May 30, 2012 | Understand the Legal Limits of Physician Advertising
May 23, 2012 | Hospital-driven EHR Mandates: Boosting Physician Use, But at What Cost?
May 16, 2012 | Text Messaging and Patients: Benefits and Considerations
May 15, 2012 | Defense and Coverage - Can They Co-Exist?
Insurers, insurance defense counsel and coverage counsel are constantly faced with the dilemma of whether liability and coverage issues may co-exist in one claim file, what information and knowledge can be shared between the respective attorneys and...
May 9, 2012 | Closing Your Medical Practice: Steps to a Smooth Retirement (Part II)
May 2, 2012 | Closing Your Medical Practice: Steps to a Smooth Retirement (Part I)
May 1, 2012 | Acquiring a Family-Owned Business: The Devil hides in the Due Diligence
May 1, 2012 | Acquiring a Family-owned Business: The Devil Hides in The Due Diligence
Acquiring a Family-owned Business: The Devil Hides in The Due Diligence
May/June 2012 | Medicare Fraud Civil & Criminal Penalty
Apr 25, 2012 | Mentoring Young Physicians: Feedback Is Important to Future Success
Apr 18, 2012 | Employees vs. Contractors in Medical Practice: What's in a Name?
Apr 11, 2012 | Ohio Court Limits Horizontal Offsite Drilling
A trial court in Harrison County, Ohio has permanently enjoined two companies from hydraulically drilling on a property to recover offsite oil and gas because their mineral rights do not reserve such drilling rights. Jewett Sportsmen & Farmers Club,...
Apr 11, 2012 | Ohio Court Limits Horizontal Offsite Drilling
A trial court in Harrison County, Ohio has permanently enjoined two companies from hydraulically drilling on a property to recover offsite oil and gas because their mineral rights do not reserve such drilling rights. Jewett Sportsmen & Farmers Club,...
Apr 11, 2012 | When the Difficult Physician Is You: Let Your Lawyer Do Her Job
Apr 5, 2012 | Ohio Oil and Gas Driller Successfully Fights Off Nuisance Suit From Neighboring Homeowner
Although the Bureau has not yet decided how they will handle the result of this decision, it is painfully obvious that Ohio's state-funded employers may have to now pay the Bureau the full amount of their premium as it relates to the first half of ca...
Apr 5, 2012 | Ohio Oil and Gas Driller Successfully Fights Off Nuisance Suit From Neighboring Homeowner
Although the Bureau has not yet decided how they will handle the result of this decision, it is painfully obvious that Ohio's state-funded employers may have to now pay the Bureau the full amount of their premium as it relates to the first half of ca...
Apr 4, 2012 | Online Defamation Can Hurt Your Medical Practice Reputation: Be Prepared
Apr 2, 2012 | Oil & Gas Permitting Update: Recent General Permit Developments Affecting Oil and Gas Development
Due to rising interest in shale gas development, both state and federal agencies are taking action to facilitate the development of shale gas resources. Read the full-text document for a brief summary of recent activities...
Apr 2, 2012 | Small and Medium Enterprises Considering Exporting to China Should be Mindful of Protecting Their Intellectual Property Rights
Apr 2, 2012 | Ohio Court Limits Horizontal Offsite Drilling