Showing 1481 - 1500 of 1777 results
Jun 1, 2013 | Outpatient Care Invades Our Neighborhoods
In order to bring care to the patient by transferring services to neighborhoods, hospitals are interpreting the Affordable Care Act's regulations to reconfigure the purpose, structue and value of the traditional medical office building ("MOB") model....
Alert | FSMA Alert
May 31, 2013 | FDA Issues Final Rule Regarding Prior Notice
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published the final rule that amends the prior notice requirements of the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FD&CA). Effective May 30, 2013, all prior notice submissions to FDA accompanying imported food intended...
May 29, 2013 | Legal Considerations Prior to Practicing Telemedicine
Alert | Corporate Compliance Alert
May 17, 2013 | Broker Dealers Beware: SEC and DOJ Signal Possible New Era of FCPA Enforcement
On May 8, 2013, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the unsealing of a multi-count criminal complaint against members of Direct Access Partners’ (DAP) Miami based Global Markets trading group and the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Banco de Desa...
May 15, 2013 | Failing to Screen for Excluded Providers Raises Practice Risk
Alert | Corporate Compliance Alert
May 9, 2013 | Turning up the HEAT on Hospice Care Providers
The Department of Justice (DOJ) very recently charged the nation's largest for-profit hospice chain, Vitas Innovative Hospice Care (Vitas), which is headquartered in Miami, with inappropriately admitting patients and billing Medicare for unnecessary...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
May 8, 2013 | NLRB Union Poster Rule Struck Down by Appeals Court
On August 25, 2011, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a rule requiring all private sector employers to post workplace notices informing employees of their unionization rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The rule mand...
Alert | Ohio Employment Services Alert
May 3, 2013 | Ohio Governor Proposes a $1 Billion Workers' Compensation Rebate to Public and Private Employers
Ohio Governor John Kasich has proposed a one-time dividend of $1 billion (yes, billion with a B) for private and public employers that are state-funded for purposes of workers’ compensation coverage in Ohio. The Governor’s proposal is three-fold:...
May 1, 2013 | Affordable Care Act Update
Affordable Care Act Update
May 1, 2013 | Affordable Care Act Update
Compliance measures needed by healthcare providers to prevent violations of healthcare billing and compliance with the Affordable Care Act. Article featured in the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & Northern Ohio's May 2013 quarterly newsletter, Nor...
May 2013 | Managing Commercial Real Estate Leases
May 1, 2013 | Prepare Your Practice for Potentially High Data Breach Costs
Alert | Corporate Compliance Alert
Apr 25, 2013 | Moving Compliance Out of the General Counsel's Office: JPMorgan Chase and United States, ex rel v. Halifax Hospital Medical Center
One unavoidable cost of doing business for organizations operating in complex regulatory environments is the establishment and implementation of an effective ethics and compliance program. To ensure that the compliance program is not simply a paper p...
Apr 17, 2013 | Ramifications of Obama's Proposed Budget on Medical Practices
Apr 3, 2013 | OIG Issues Alert to Physician Device Distributorship Owners
April 2013 | "Economic Loss" Rule Returns to Its Roots
Mar 27, 2013 | Avoid Pitfalls of Physician Clinical Study Participation
Alert | Ohio Employment Services Alert
Mar 21, 2013 | Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Ordered to Refund $859 Million to Ohio Employers
Cuyahoga County Judge Richard McMonagle ruled on March 20, 2013, that the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) must refund $859 million to approximately 264,000 employers. Judge McMonagle ruled that these employers were overcharged for workers’...
Mar 20, 2013 | Practices Considering PCMH Model Must Consider Challenges
Mar 18, 2013 | 2012 Year in Review
The 2012 Year in Review shares the success stories that made 2012 such a good year for our clients. You’ll also read about how we have expanded into new areas of expertise and representation, all to help serve our clients with more range and depth....