Showing 961 - 980 of 1777 results
Aug 23, 2017 | 14 Situations Where Physicians Should Lawyer Up
Alert | Corporate, Tax & Transactional Alert
Aug 22, 2017 | Delaware Law Changes Method to Record Stockholders
Delaware is known for being a trailblazer in the area of corporate law. In keeping with tradition, Delaware is the first state to formally recognize the ability of a corporation to record stockholder transactions using distributed ledger or “blockcha...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Aug 22, 2017 | STATE BUDGET UPDATE: Ohio Senate Votes to Override Six Gubernatorial Vetoes
On June 30, Governor John R. Kasich (R) signed the state’s $132.8 billion biennial operating budget into law, setting out the state’s spending plan for the next two years. Before signing the budget, the Governor vetoed 47 provisions including a propo...
Alert | Education Law Alert
Aug 21, 2017 | Student Expulsion Upheld for Off-Campus, Online Activity
On July 26, 2017, the 5th Appellate District Court of Appeals (Richland County) issued a decision in N.Z. vs Madison Local Board of Education that should be read by every school administrator involved in student discipline. In October of 2015, a b...
Alert | Business and Commercial Litigation Alert
Aug 21, 2017 | Roetzel Secures Quick Win for Green Tech Firm
Lead by Roetzel’s Business Litigation Practice Group Manager Paul Giordano and Associate Brian Hoops, a Miami court this week agreed that California green tech firm could not be sued in Florida, even though it had several business affiliations in the...
Alert | Tax Alert
Aug 18, 2017 | Florida Property Owners: The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes from Your County Property Appraiser-Beware of Deadline for Appeal
What to Do with the Notice Immediately open the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and examine its contents for accuracy. The Notice contains column headings which include: Taxing Authority Your Property Taxes Last Year Las...
Aug 9, 2017 | Gain Realized by Non-Resident Foreign Partner Upon the Sale of Its Interest in a U.S. Partnership is Not U.S.-Source Income Unless an Exception Applies
In Grecian Magnesite Mining, Industrial & Shipping Co., SA, v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (filed on July 13, 2017), the United States Tax Court overturned Revenue Ruling 91-32 (which had been relied on since 1991) and held that gain recognized...
Aug 1, 2017 | Ohio Court of Appeals Clarifies "Production in Paying Quantities" Rule
August 2017 | Settlement Clauses -- Buyer Beware
Jul 25, 2017 | The Evolution of Counterfeiting and 5 Essential Steps for Fighting Back
Gone are the days where counterfeiters remained in dark alleyways, opening their jackets to reveal fake Rolex watches. Counterfeiters now run sophisticated enterprises around the globe through e-commerce websites such as Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay, wh...
Jul 19, 2017 | The Rules Surrounding Telehealth Are Changing
Alert | Appellate Alert
Jul 14, 2017 | Roetzel Wins Two Significant Appellate Court Victories in $35 Million Federal Court Lawsuit and State Court Class Action
Roetzel’s Appellate Law group, led by Partner Stephen W. Funk, recently won two important appellate court victories in the federal and state courts.  On July 12, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a unanimous decisi...
Alert | Corporate, Tax & Transactional Alert
Jul 12, 2017 | You Get a Car! Everybody Gets a Car!
Lobbying from various organizations resulted in Ohio House Bill 432, known as the “omnibus probate bill.” This bill has made some significant changes in estate law. Specifically, upon the death of a spouse, Ohio Revised Code §2106.18 allows the survi...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Jul 6, 2017 | STATE BUDGET UPDATE: In a Historic Move, House Votes to Override 11 of the Governor's Vetoes from State Budget
The last time the Legislature voted to override multiple state budget vetoes was exactly forty (40) years ago to this day on July 6, 1977 under then Governor James Rhodes (R) and former longtime House Speaker Vern Riffe (D). However, just this mornin...
Alert | Health Law Alert
Jul 5, 2017 | Physicians Begin Receiving Licenses Under Licensure Compact
Recently, physicians became eligible to apply for out-of-state licensure pursuant to the Interstate Medical License Compact (Compact). The Compact is a voluntary agreement among eighteen states and twenty-three medical boards that allows a physician...
Jul 5, 2017 | Understanding HIPAA's Medical Record Transfer Rules
Alert | Public Law Alert
Jul 3, 2017 | State Budget Wrap-Up: Extensive Public Policy and Funding Changes - What You Need to Know
Just before the midnight deadline on Friday, Governor John R. Kasich signed the state’s two-year operating budget into law. The Governor first released his budget proposal in January 2017 and the Legislature has spent the last six (6) months hearing...
Jul 1, 2017 | Litigating Against the Latest Efforts by the Plaintiffs' Bar to Misconstrue the FMCSA Regulations
The Context The Concrete Examples - And Advice Raising the Standard of Care for Motor Carriers Raising the Standard of Care for Truck Drivers Building a Fictitious "Rap Sheet" Equating Lack of a Training Program with Negligence Co...
Jul 1, 2017 | Ohio Supreme Court Rules in Oil & Gas Lease Interpretation Case
July 2017 | Two's a Company in the Florida Sunshine