Showing 1741 - 1760 of 1777 results
Jan 27, 2006 | Take It If You Dare: Ohio's New Economic Development Eminent Domain Law
Last summer, the United States Supreme Court ruled that federal, state and local governments have the constitutional power to take property from private owners even if the land is destined to end up in another private party's hands. However, you must...
2006 | Trucking Litigation and D.O.T. Regulations in Ohio
2006 | PL Wins in Court
2006 | Making Grandkids Rich
2006 | Indemnity in Construction Agreements: Preserving the Site Owner's Rights
Reprinted with the permission of the publisher and copyright owner, Thomson-West.
2006 | Partnering for Success in Employment Cases: The Attorney's Role
Oct 20, 2005 | Is the Spearin Doctrine Dead in Ohio or Just Wounded?
This is one of a four part series written by Tom Rosenberg for The Daily Reporter, Columbus. It was featured in the insert for The American Institute of Architects.
Oct 13, 2005 | Should I Copyright My Drawings? Part II
This is one of a four part series written by Tom Rosenberg for The Daily Reporter, Columbus. It was featured in the insert for The American Institute of Architects.
Oct 6, 2005 | Should I Copyright My Drawings? Part I
This is one of a four part series written by Tom Rosenberg for The Daily Reporter, Columbus. It was featured in the insert for The American Institute of Architects.
Oct 3, 2005 | Bid Readers Beware: Don't Pay Twice for the Same Project
Cities, county commissioners, townships and even school boards have always been able to escape paying "twice" for an improperly awarded competitively bid project - once for the actual work and once to the disappointed bidder. That is until now. Dep...
Fall 2005 | Time to Think About Saving Tax Dollars
Tips for making nontraditional charitable contributions.
Summer 2005 | What is Planned Giving?
Most charitable donors engage in "checkbook philanthropy" - sporadically donating small amounts when solicited. Planned giving is an organized approach to charitable giving, based on your values, that maximizes your tax benefits.
Mar 24, 2005 | Legislative Efforts in Handling Industry-Wide Litigation
An emerging trend which has gained some attention as of late is the attempt to handle industrywide litigation through legislation. Most notably, the Ohio General Assembly has enacted groundbreaking legislation aimed at asbestos and silica/mixed dust...
March/April 2005 | Obtaining Permission
1994-2005 | Lobbying, PACs, and Campaign Finance
Jan 1, 2005 | What are the limits of United States Coast Guard Vessel(s) crossing the Canadian border? What are the limits on the United States Coast Guard's ability to maneuver and what exceptions are there as to territorial sovereignty?
Jan 1, 2005 | Applying Geneva Convention to Suspected Terrorists, Battlefield Detainees, and Enemy Combatants
2005 | Legislative Efforts in Handling Industry-Wide Litigation
Nov 12, 2004 | Position of Wired Glass in the 2004 IBC Supplement
Wired glass still remains the top-performing fire-rated glazing material in the United States. Unfortunately, it has fallen victim to a weakness that exists in our code development process. For at least the last 10 years, competitors have sought to i...
Mar 22, 2004 | For Better, For Worse, For Richer, For Poorer
A premarital agreement is not reserved exclusively for the wealthy and famous. Although much publicity surrounds premarital agreements of high-profile couples, a premarital agreement is appropriate for anyone with property, debt, a degree, a certific...