Showing 941 - 960 of 1777 results
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Oct 27, 2017 | ACA Dealt Setback by Another Federal District Court
On October 25, 2017, District Court Judge Vince Chhabria of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California denied a request by California, along with 17 other states and the District of Columbia, for a preliminary injunction...
Oct 18, 2017 | Stark Compliance is Necessary and Punishment is Harsh
Alert | Drone Alert
Oct 16, 2017 | Can Your Business Fly Under the Radar?
The past few years have seen the utilization of unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS” or “drones”) expand from military to recreational, and now to commercial use. What once was top-secret military technology can now deliver a pizza (in select areas). Bus...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Oct 2, 2017 | Ohio Supreme Court Finds Ohio's "Consent Provision" Constitutional
The Ohio Supreme Court has issued a ruling upholding the so called “consent provision” of Ohio Revised Code Section 4123.512(D), providing added protections to Ohio employers involved in workers’ compensation litigation.  In 2006, the Ohio Legisla...
October 2017 | Ohio Court Applies 21-Year Statute of Limitations in Lack of Production Case
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 29, 2017 | Supreme Court to Revisit Public Sector Union Fees
The U.S. Supreme Court will again take up the question of whether making public sector employees pay fees to unions violates their First Amendment rights.  On September 28, 2017, the Court said it will review a 7th Circuit decision involving an Illin...
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Sep 28, 2017 | CMS Expanding the "Targeted Probe and Educate" Audits Nationally this Fall
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) announced recently that it will be expanding its medical claims review program to cover the entire country by the end of this year. The expanded program, titled “Targeted Probe and Educate” or “T...
Alert | Florida Client Alert
Sep 27, 2017 | Hurricane Irma
These past weeks have brought tremendous challenges to many Floridians. Our thoughts are with all those impacted by Hurricane Irma.    Roetzel’s experienced team of attorneys and business professionals stand at the ready to assist our clients w...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Sep 26, 2017 | Ohio Medical Marijuana: Status of the New State Industry
Ohio legalized medical marijuana in the spring of 2016 and has since been developing the Medical Marijuana Control Program (MMCP) to regulate the cultivation, processing, and dispensing of medical marijuana throughout the state. The finalized rules a...
Sep 20, 2017 | Keeping a Practice Compliant for Deaf Patients
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 15, 2017 | Changes to DACA and Employers
In line with the Trump administration’s enforcement of immigration laws, significant changes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) program were announced by the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) on September 5, 2017. This annou...
Alert | Public Law Alert
Sep 14, 2017 | Cities of Cleveland and Toledo Post Primary Election Results Setting the Slate for November 7 General Election
Cleveland The Mayoral and all 17 City Council seats are up for re-election this November. Tuesday’s Primary Election saw every incumbent move on to the General Election. Mayor Frank Jackson, running for an unprecedented fourth term, won the Pri...
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Sep 11, 2017 | Government Crackdown on Health Care Fraud and Opioid Prescription Abuse
Recent actions by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) evidence that prosecution of health care fraud and crackdowns on opioid abuse[1] remain high on the Government’s agenda. On July 13, 2017, the Government announced that 412 people, including d...
Sep 6, 2017 | 6 Lessons from the Opioid-Related Murder of a Physician
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 5, 2017 | Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama-Era Overtime Rule
On Thursday, August 31, 2017, Judge Amos Mazzant struck down the Obama administration’s overtime rule that would have extended mandatory overtime pay to more than four million U.S. workers. Specifically, the rule would have doubled the threshold for...
Alert | Health Care Provider Alert
Sep 5, 2017 | Failing to Update Compliance Plans May be Costly
If you are a provider of healthcare services, you need a compliance plan. A compliance plan is a written document that details your practice’s policies, procedures, and operations. While many providers are aware of the importance of having an establi...
Alert | Community Association Law Alert
Sep 5, 2017 | Hurricane Preparedness: Last Minute Tips
With Hurricane Irma’s track still uncertain, Associations are in the process of executing their preparedness plans.  If you are worried that your preparedness plan is out-of date, here are some checklist items that you still have time to implement:...
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Sep 1, 2017 | EEO-1 Payroll Data Requirement Delayed....Again
In response to a letter from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) dated August 29, 2017, the EEOC said that it intends to “stay” the requirement that employers supply pay data when they file the EEO-1 for 2017. You may recall that this form, whi...
2017 | "Look! Up in the Sky! An Overview of Drone Law Relating to the Natural Resources Industry"
Alert | Employment Services Alert
Aug 31, 2017 | Ohio Makes Significant Changes to Workers' Compensation Laws
Ohio Governor John Kasich recently signed House Bill 27 into law, starting the clock running on several significant changes to Ohio’s Workers’ Compensation statutes. The amendments are effective September 29, 2017. The changes most likely to be of im...