Showing 1721 - 1740 of 1777 results
The Ohio Trust Code and Its Impact on Trust Owned Real Estate
Dec 1, 2006 | Public / Private Partnerships
Discusses the benefits that can be derived when private entities partner with government to attain common economic goals.
Nov 25, 2006 | Public/private partnerships
Nov 1, 2006 | Environmental Control: Minimizing the Risks of Acquiring Brownfields
References the significance of CERCLA to property owners and operators, the U.S EPA's new All Appropriate Inquiry requirements, and what funds are available to redevelop brownfields.
Nov 1, 2006 | PL Wins in Court
Private label manufacturer defends against claims of trademark and trade dress infringement.Questions at hand: How similar can a private label trademark be to the mark for the comparable national brand product? How similar can the packaging for the p...
Oct 15, 2006 | 10 Things Every Practitioner Should Know About the New Bankruptcy Act
Oct 1, 2006 | Some Musings on Fraud in Bankruptcy Cases
Be more vigilant in assessing the true financial condition of bankruptcy debtors. And expect the unexpected.
Putting the Red Light on Red Light District Businesses?
Aug 1, 2006 | The ABCs of Seller Financing
An overview of the differences between seller and conventional bank financing as well as other pertinent issues that should be addressed when selling investment real estate.
July 10-16, 2006 | Caution Key to Avoiding Trouble with Competitors' Employees, Practices
(posted with permission)
Jul 1, 2006 | China: Land of Opportunity?
Identification of the opportunities and issues to consider before establishing operations or doing business in China.
Jun 1, 2006 | A Change In The Bankruptcy Preference Law
Companies can be forced to return payments they receive within 90 days of their customer's bankruptcy, but recent amendments to the Bankruptcy Code will make it somewhat easier for them to retain those so-called "preferential" payments.
May 1, 2006 | Who Will Succeed You?
Any owner of a closely held business should be planning for the day when he or she no longer owns the business. Many business owners, for good or bad reasons, do not take the time to invest the resources needed to put a sound plan in place to transit...
Pitfalls of Probate Avoidance (contributing author)
Neighbor Beware - A Primer on Adverse Possession
Apr 1, 2006 | Controlling Litigation Costs
While it may seem counterintuative to have your attorney be one of the first respondents following a catastrophic incident at your facility, that may be the best method of cost control.
Apr 1, 2006 | The Fight Over Residency Requirements: The Statehouse v. The Courthouse
Over the loud and virtually unanimous objection of municipalities across Ohio, Governor Bob Taft signed into law S.B. 82 on January 27, 2006. This legislation prohibits residency requirements for municipal employees on a statewide basis.
Mar 1, 2006 | Naples Illustrated Perfect 10
Feb 27, 2006 | Planned Giving Perspectives
What is "planned giving," how does one go about deciding on an amount and organization and implementing such a program?
Winter 2006 | Making a Gift with Strings Attached?
Often, donors wish to designate a charitable contribution for a specific purpose or restrict the use of a donation. To ensure your wishes are fulfilled without endangering the deductibility of your charitable contribution and without unduly burdening...