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Lidia B. Ebersole


One SeaGate
Suite 1700
Toledo, OH 43604
P: 419.254.5260 419.254.5260
F: 419.242.0316
M: 419.280.7489 419.280.7489
E: lebersole@ralaw.com | vCard


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Lidia’s litigation practice focuses on business disputes and liability defense in Ohio and Michigan. She also assists her clients with business- and employment-related immigration and international transactions (especially with her home country of Poland).

Before private practice, Lidia worked as a judicial staff attorney at the Ohio Third District Court of Appeals and as a judicial extern at the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. This has given Lidia an invaluable experience that allows her to now counsel her clients through pre-trial, trial, and appellate processes in both federal and state courts in Ohio and Michigan.

Lidia was born and raised in Lukow, Poland, where she formerly taught English as a second language in a local public school. She moved to the United States in 2006 and received her Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Toledo, shortly after gaining United States Citizenship. Since then, Lidia has appeared as a guest speaker, welcoming new citizens at naturalization ceremonies in Northwest Ohio. 

  • Obtained multiple favorable settlements for transportation clients in Ohio and Michigan on admitted-liability matters, which reduced litigation cost and overall exposure
  • Successful resolution of business disputes in multi-party litigation, including through favorable settlements and motion practice
  • Obtained a recovery of 100% of business losses in a complex multi-party dispute, followed by additional recovery of attorney fees for a transportation client
  • A recovery of $1,500,000 loss for a transportation client under the Michigan No-Fault statute following a multi-vehicle accident
  • Obtained a favorable ruling finding a state entity client immune from suit under the Eleventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • Multiple dismissals on summary judgment and pre-discovery motions through early identification of dispositive issues
  • Frequent voluntary dismissals of questionable liability claims through aggressive early investigation and discovery strategies, which exposed the plaintiffs’ preexisting injuries or credibility issues
  • Obtained summary judgment dismissal of a complex business dispute for an out-of-state commercial landlord in Ohio, followed by a favorable ruling on a counter-claim
  • Multiple favorable outcomes for business and insurance clients through settlement, dispositive motions, and appeals
  • Regularly assists in emergency responses following commercial vehicle accidents, ensuring data and evidence preservation
  • Regularly counsels Polish businesses and provides consultation to Polish attorneys regarding U.S. laws as one of the few Polish-speaking attorneys in the U.S.
  • Regularly counsels employers on immigration issues, including I-9 employment eligibility verification for foreign workers, termination issues related to foreign workers, pre-hire considerations, and other business and employment immigration issues
  • Obtained multiple successful H-1B visa approvals, including during the beginning stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, with no Requests for Evidence or delays despite unavailability of Premium Processing
  • Assists employers, employees, and private clients in obtaining green card (permanent residence), citizenship (naturalization), and employment-based visas
  • Assists small and medium business owners with legal disputes in Ohio and Michigan
  • Polish
  • English