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Oil, Gas & Mineral Rights

Roetzel’s oil, gas & mineral rights practice focuses on lease negotiations, pipeline easements, mineral title disputes, and cases involving the Dormant Mineral Act and Marketable Title Act, with extensive experience in the Utica and Marcellus shale plays. We guide landowners through various legal matters, including drilling opinions, curative analysis, royalty audits, surface development, and mineral trespass, ensuring their interests are protected.
Our team excels at navigating the complexities of oil, gas & mineral rights, providing expertise in title reviews, drafting title opinions, and performing curative work. We also handle pipeline rights-of-way negotiations and eminent domain litigation, particularly for national and local pipeline projects. Our deep industry knowledge and experience ensure that our clients are well-represented both and the negotiation table and in in court. 

  • Handle Dormant Mineral Act cases
  • Represent clients in eminent domain litigation 
  • Provide drilling opinions and curative analysis
  • Manage lack of production cases
  • Negotiate and ratify land use and mineral lease agreements
  • Address Marketable Title Act issues
  • Resolve mineral title and lease interpretation disputes
  • Litigate mineral trespass cases
  • Conduct mineral ownership research and curative work
  • Negotiate pipeline easements 
  • Manage quiet title cases
  • Conduct royalty audits
  • Oversee surface development matters
  • Perform title curative work
  • Draft title opinions
  • Develop wealth transfer and succession planning strategies