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Retail Liability Defense

Roetzel’s Retail Liability Defense team provides comprehensive legal support to a wide array of retail clients. We work with restaurants, clothing retailers, home improvement stores, drug stores, regional shopping malls, and international specialty retailers, as well as insurance carriers. Our attorneys deliver legal strategies that provide our retail clients with targeted expertise, a risk reduction approach, and effective defense strategies, with a focus on early case resolution to minimize disruption and reduce litigation costs.


  • Defend against premises liability claims
  • Defend against personal injury claims
  • Provide risk management services
  • Facilitate settlement agreements through Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Manage litigation
  • Negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of national discount chain after the plaintiff slipped and fell on a clear hanger in the store resulting in injuries
  • Negotiated a pre-suit settlement on behalf of national casual restaurant chain in connection with a premises liability matter alleging claimant was injured when she tripped and fell over a defect in a sidewalk bordering the front entrance to the restaurant  
  • Negotiated a settlement on behalf of national discount chain in connection with a premises liability matter involving a plaintiff allegedly being struck by a merchandise cart being pushed by a store manager
  • Obtained summary judgement motion on behalf of national discount chain in a case involving a shopper who fell in the aisle after slipping on beans; the court found the beans were open and obvious and that the plaintiff failed to prove the retailer had actual or constructive knowledge of the beans on the floor
  • Negotiated a pre-suit settlement on behalf of national casual restaurant chain in premises liability matter where claimant was allegedly injured when a fire extinguisher affixed to the wall suddenly fell due to the bracket not being properly secured, landing on claimant’s foot
  • Negotiated a successful settlement for less than 20% of original demand on behalf of retail chain in connection with a trip and fall matter
  • Negotiated a pre-suit settlement directly with a claimant who slipped and fell in the parking lot of a family-friendly restaurant chain resulting in a broken leg